Electronic Mail Send email to . You can send mail to this address from any on-line service, such as America Online, eWorld, AppleLink, and CompuServe. If you send email from CompuServe, proceed the address with “INTERNET:” so it looks like INTERNET:mauisw@aloha.net You may not be able to send files (attachments) to our Internet address from non-Internet services (although that may change in the future with some on-line services. AOL may allow this now). Send your order form to us as an email message, and not as an attached file. FAX 1-808-572-2406 (that's area code 808, not 800). Postal Mail Maui Software 189 Auoli Dr. Makawao, Maui, HI 96768-9313 U.S.A. Phone 1-808-573-0011 (that's area code 808, not 800). When calling, please remember, Hawaii is 2 hours behind Pacific Standard Time, and 3 hours behind Pacific Daylight time. During daylight savings time, if it's 12 noon in New York, it's 9AM in Los Angeles, and 6AM in Hawaii. The best times to call are between 8 AM and Noon Hawaii time.